
    There was nothing “normal” about last year. COVID-19 definitely threw a wrench into things all the way around. It certainly led to a number of challenges for the new VRMCA Executive Committee that came on board last spring. While the team made great things happen, their focus was minimizing the negative impact of the pandemic on our industry. 

    With that in mind, the VRMCA Board has decided to postpone voting in a new Executive Committee until Spring 2023, effectively extending the current terms by one year. As a reminder VRMCA’s President is Genevieve Walker of T&W Block, Inc., Olney, VA. Robert O’Brian of Lynchburg Ready Mixed Concrete Co., Inc., Lynchburg, VA has the role of Past President. The Vice President role is now held by Jeff Slagle of Chaney Enterprises, Gambrills, MD and Tyler Johnson of Vulcan Materials Company, Rappahannock, VA is the Secretary/Treasurer. 

    This will allow the group to lead our association fully for two years rather than what may be considered an “abbreviated” term impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.