
The VRMCA Government Relations Committee is gaining traction with a key initiative – resilient construction incentives for property owners in Virginia.

Back in October, Jeff Slagle, Doug Easter and Jonathan Williams met with Senator Bryce Reeves, who represents the 17th District in the Commonwealth. He is also an insurance agent with State Farm, which just so happens to be the largest property insurance provider in Virginia. The discussion centered around resilient construction incentives, as well as what the Senator’s thoughts are on engaging the insurance industry to establish policy discounts for property owners.

This type of incentive program has been implemented in a handful of states including Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and most recently, Oklahoma. And while some states have gone the route of passing legislation to institute the incentives, VRMCA is taking the approach of working directly with insurance companies in Virginia. Senator Reeves felt strongly that this type of program would be well-received by those in the industry. He also offered several key State Farm contacts in Virginia, and the head lobbyist for the industry to help facilitate future conversations. A follow-up meeting has already been scheduled for November 20th with one of the State Farm contacts to keep momentum moving forward.

VRMCA Political Action Committee
If you weren’t able to join us in Virginia Beach for the 2018 Fall Convention, you missed the Silent Auction and 50/50 drawing that the Government Relations Committee coordinated to support the VRMCA PAC. Many thanks to all who donated items for the auction and participated. We are happy to announce that more than $3700 was raised!